#AtoZChallenge: E is for Empath

Being an empath is something that I took a while to accept. I always felt emotional for other people, but I was led to believe that it was hormonal, and my feelings were often dismissed.

Outwardly I was a happy, healthy, cheerful girl. Inwardly I was often in turmoil, but I could not express it. I am the quiet one. I am the one who listens and rarely voices an opinion. I feel very deeply for the world around me, but it is a physical, emotional feeling.

#AtoZChallenge Badge E by vampire writer Catherine Green at SpookyMrsGreen.com mindful parenting and modern pagan lifestyle blog.
#AtoZChallenge Badge E

#AtoZChallenge: E is for Empath

I had never heard about being an empath until I began to work with North West Spirit Seekers. Through them I got to work with many esteemed mediums and experienced paranormal investigators. Gradually I began to understand what these strange feelings were that I couldn’t put a name to. I feel emotions from other people, and if I see someone crying, I usually start crying in sympathy with them. It can be very embarrassing sometimes!

When I was younger I tried to hide these deep emotions. I absolutely refused to cry in front of other people, not even my family. Gradually I learned that I had to let it out or it would consume me. Sometimes a good cry, a big scream, or even a hearty laugh can make us feel better. It is our body’s way of offloading all of the energy that we absorb from the busy world around us. I always feel better after releasing in this way. Have you tried it?

Could I tempt you to read my new short story, The Wolf and the Fairy, available to download now? Thank you!

See you tomorrow, for the next letter in the #AtoZChallenge.

Text reads, "The Wolf and the Fairy - download now! A magical tale of love and betrayal." Image of a man and woman about to kiss. She has claw marks on her face and is brightly coloured. He appears in greyscale colour and his shirt is ripped. Fairytale werewolf fiction. 3D book cover image for The Wolf and the Fairy by LGBT fantasy book writer Catherine Green.
Contemporary adult Gothic fairytale “The Wolf and the Fairy” by Catherine Green.

Did you enjoy this article? Download your FREE copy of LGBT fantasy short story It’s Complicated (The Redcliffe Novels) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

About SpookyMrsGreen

SpookyMrsGreen: Mindful parenting and modern pagan lifestyle. See my blog for exclusive special offers, discount codes, health advice, eco-friendly tips, book reviews and more! Search #TheRedcliffeNovels and meet the vampires and werewolves of Cornwall, England.
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20 Responses to #AtoZChallenge: E is for Empath

  1. My Era says:

    Like you, empathy came to me quite late in life or rather the realisation of its existence. In the years gone by, I have learnt to keep myself free of pent up emotions and express them freely, as I feel with people around me.
    It feels really light, free and happier this way 🙂

  2. Joyful2bee says:

    I too am empathic. As a nurse I had to turn it down to some degree. But someone died and the family started weeping, I often had to step away. But on the other hand, I usually knew how to approach patients best. I can sometimes when I am not trying, pick up on things, I just know things sometimes. It can be strange but it can be a blessing. Good luck to you in your path.

  3. That would certainly explain a few things abut me. When I cry at the slightest thing – tv ad, kid’s film etc I can tell my dry-eyed children that I am an empathy.

    • Yes, indeed! I cry at all of those things too, and now my children are learning that it’s just Mummy being sensitive. I want them to know that it is acceptable and healthy to release your emotions when you need to.

  4. scskillman says:

    Your description sounds to me as if you are, like me, “an introverted and highly sensitive person”. I can recommend the podcasts and blog posts of someone I follow, Andy Mort: http://www.sheepdressedlikewolves.com/gentle-rebel/.You will probably find his thoughts very interesting.

  5. Bastet says:

    I’m glad you found the way to let off that extra emotion that floods in from the outside. I enjoyed reading your interesting post.

  6. I can relate. I have always been the “quiet, overly sensitive” one. I cry with others and feel pain when they are hurt. I have often been considered odd. lol

  7. Oh, and I just downloaded the story. Can’t wait to read it!

  8. inquisitivegeet says:

    You know sometimes being an empath make go psycho… Atleast that’s what happens with me. Trying to understand everyone and figuring it out and then placing yourself in that person’s shoe and then explaining everything. And this happens with almost everyone you have around you, sometimes drives you crazy!

    But still, being an empath is always a plus point. It makes you compassionate and more sensitive towards others problems 🙂

    Good take 🙂


  9. greyzoned/angelsbark says:

    I can definitely relate. Even If I see someone on TV cry, I cry too!
    Being empathetic is a gift and I’m glad you’re so accepting of yours.

    Great post. Glad I stopped by!
    Michele at Angels Bark

  10. Kim Cleary says:

    I’ve cried with people, and to an extent tried to disguise overwhelming feelings of connectedness all my life. Interestingly though, since I’ve been taking medication for chronic pain, it’s as if someone flicked a switch and the connection has dimmed. I can also relate, and in some ways I miss it!

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