About SpookyMrsGreen

SpookyMrsGreen aka Catherine Green

Welcome to SpookyMrsGreen.com, home of Catherine Green, your friendly neighbourhood ghostbuster, author, mother, and wife.

I specialize in uncovering the spectres that dwell within the human mind, as well as the boisterous supernatural creatures that roam our world.

Catherine Green the Ghost Hunter of SpookyMrsGreen.com mindful parenting and modern pagan lifestyle blog.
Catherine Green the Ghost Hunter

Catherine Green the Ghost Hunter

Yes, you heard right. I embark on thrilling ghost hunts, taking on both the spine-chilling entities haunting old houses and the hidden apparitions that aren’t easily exposed. My life is intertwined with individuals grappling with mental health challenges, particularly depression and anxiety, and these phantoms prove to be the most formidable to vanquish.

Catherine Green the #Spoonie

But that’s not all—I also contend with chronic pain caused by a rare congenital eye disorder known as Lymphedema Distichiasis. Bet you can’t even pronounce that one, eh?! Severe Dry Eye Syndrome, Blepharitis, and a plethora of other symptoms afflict me, leaving my eyes constantly sore and dry. I’m practically pouring eyedrops in all day, every day, yet it never feels like enough. Thanks to a recessive FOXC2 gene, the result of my parents being a biological mismatch, I face these challenges head-on while pursuing my true passion: writing.

Catherine Green the pagan housewife

As the pagan housewife, I share my musings on lifestyle, family, the enchanting realm of books, and, of course, my favourite pastime—ghost hunting. My blog also delves into the captivating world of British paganism and witchcraft, holistic health and well-being, and the unique experiences of living with a rare genetic disorder. Feel free to reach out to me for collaborations, product reviews, or any other ventures we can embark on together.

Catherine Green LGBT fantasy book writer

It should come as no surprise that my stories showcase extraordinary supernatural creatures with intriguing personalities, magical powers, and all the idiosyncrasies of humanity amplified and intensified. The #RedcliffeNovels series unfolds in a fictional seaside town in Cornwall, while my upcoming novels transport you into a realm of vampires and vampire hunters in the North West of England. Take a peek, if you dare…

Join me on this thrilling journey as we explore the mysterious and fantastical together. Together, we’ll unravel the secrets that lurk in the shadows and discover the extraordinary that lies beneath the surface.

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If you  enjoy reading my blog posts and you want to see continued improvement to the SpookyMrsGreen website, please do consider sending a small donation. Even the occasional £1 or $1 will be greatly appreciated.

Just click the link here, and help this Indie writer to thrive.

Thank you!

Image of sexy man showing a tattoo on his chest. Werewolf LGBT fantasy books. Book cover for "It's Complicated (The Redcliffe Novels)" by Catherine Green.
It’s Complicated (The Redcliffe Novels) by Catherine Green

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

27 Responses to About SpookyMrsGreen

  1. David Gladwin says:

    At least you are refreshingly different to the tough old harridans I keep bumping into lately. No names, no packdrill! However as long as you keep to the normal day-to-day things like ghosts and vampires (vampyrs to purists I think) and don’t wander off down the H.P.Lovecraft genre you should be fine and probably fun. Coming from riverside marshlands we knew there were strange things out there and my late wife was half Welsh and ‘fey’. The Yorkshire Moors terrified her, and down by Sedgemoor (scene of a particularly bloody English Civil War battle) where we stayed in our camper for few nights she could hear the noises of the men dying, and the crashing of weapons etc. Apparently the area is known for it, altho the stories are supressed by the tourist board.

    • Thanks! Ooh your experiences sound very interesting. I have dreams of travelling round the UK in a camper van one day, exploring all the obscure haunted locations I can find. I appreciate your support for my blog.

  2. 4amWriter says:

    Well, hello there Spooky! I have finally made it around to your site to thank you again for posting on my blog. You lead an incredibly interesting life, and I love the background in your picture posted above…it looks like the perfect area to get some writing done, water and draping, leafy trees. Love it.

    Anyway, good luck with your writing endeavors, although from the sounds of it you are already doing quite well. Congratulations.

    I notice you have a link about ghost hunting which intrigues me, too. I grew up in a house that was occupied by ghosts. (I can’t say “haunted” by ghosts because they weren’t scary, they were just around.)

    All right then, off I go! Keep in touch…

  3. 4amWriter says:

    Hello there!
    If you’re up for an award, there is one waiting for you at http://4amwriter.com/2012/01/24/4amwriter-is-one-lovely-blog/


  4. So nice to connect! I love your blog and am looking forward to reading more. Keep up your amazing work!

  5. Fairies says:

    Hello, my name is Ty Hulse, I’m a folklorist who’s written a book on the motivations of fairies and Europe’s old folk religions. Although this book is in part intended for writers I believe that it can be useful for anyone looking for information on fairies.

    Please let me know if you’d be interested in reviewing it?

    I have pieces of it along with other thoughts on fairies at http://zeluna.net/fairies/.

    I also have a page dedicated to folk religion at http://zeluna.net/pagan-fairytales.


    Ty Hulse

    • Hello Ty,

      Thank you, yes I would be interested in doing a review. Please email me at spiritsistersinfo.gmail.com and send me a PDF copy of your book if you have it. I will gladly post my review on Amazon, Goodreads and other networks if you want.


  6. fivereflections says:

    hello – nice to meet you
    David in Maine USA

  7. Hello David! It is lovely to meet you and thanks for the follow.

  8. Hello, Catherine! My name is Kirsten Laulainen and I was searching around for blogs that do daily Oracle card readings, and I found yours. I have produced my own set of Oracle cards, called Guidance Dogs, and I was wondering if you would be up to having your own set of these cards, and using them in readings on your site? They are dog themed, and are inspired by the great woman of Oracle cards, Doreen Virtue. 🙂 I do weekly YouTube videos with these cards, but I’m trying to connect with like-minded individuals about the cards that I’ve created as a way to get the word out, and help people to become aware of these. Please contact me if interested. Thank you for doing what you do! In case you want to watch one of the videos, here is a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opuRe-SpG80

  9. terrytrekker says:

    Great blog. When I look up at sky and see millions of stars I sometimes wonder if I am up there at nights.

  10. Hi Catherine, I’m stopping by to introduce myself and wish you luck with the A-Z Blog Challenge. I’ll mostly be exploring CHANGE and SENSORY AWARENESS and how to implement these concepts in storytelling. Hope to see you around 🙂 -Belinda.

  11. Steve says:

    I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect!

  12. Rajiv says:

    Very, very interesting indeed!

  13. I’m kind of late to the party, but I also I found you through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect!

  14. Great work Catherine, I love your passion for what you love to do! It can only mean great things for you and those you are helping. Well done.

  15. Davy D says:

    Catherine, great to connect and thank you for following my blog. I am especially interested in the ghost hunting / shamanic side so look forward to reading more of your work.

  16. Paul says:

    This is a wonderful and refreshing site, thank you so much for sharing!

  17. FantasyFed says:

    I am very similar to you, though its chronic ear infections and having ear drops daily long-term for me, with ear infection type migraines and sinusitis. 😦 So I feel for you!

    • Aww, thanks, and I feel for you too! My daughter had an ear infection that spread into her cheek cavity last year, she ended up having emergency surgery to save her life!

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