Not the Holiday we Expected

Our family dog died while we were on holiday last week. He had been ill for a couple of weeks before we went, and he had only been discharged from pet hospital five days prior to us leaving. I had to take him for a check-up on the morning before we set off to the Solway Coast, our location for a peaceful week away.

I think he wanted to go on his own terms. When he first got admitted to the pet hospital, the vet advised us to euthanise our boy because he was seriously ill and didn’t seem able to fight the infection or inflammation that he had contracted. He decided otherwise, however, and made a seemingly miraculous recovery.

#MummyMonday In Memoriam for a beloved family dog. Baxter the Staffy X rescue dog by mindful parenting and modern pagan lifestyle blog.
#MummyMonday In Memoriam for a beloved family dog

Not the Holiday we Expected

We took him on holiday as planned, but it was a long week with sleepless nights as we nursed him, and stressful days as we tried to coax him to eat through a syringe. He was very weak, and he was ready to leave this world, but he did get one last visit to the beach, one last paddle in the sea, and one last family day trip on a steam train, which is something he loved to do.

This week my family and I are in mourning. We have been looking at photos and videos, remembering all our special times with Baxter. He was a brilliant dog. He came to us from a local rescue centre in Stoke-on-Trent and had been found in North Wales. Nobody wanted to consider him because he looked scruffy, but on that fateful day, my mum told me to come and look at a dog that stole her heart. Although she already had a dog at home that didn’t like company, she told me if I didn’t take this big bundle of fur home with me, then she would. He was so gentle, quiet and cuddly that I couldn’t refuse.

Baxter changed our lives for the better

Baxter came home, and our lives were forever changed for the better. Now the house is too quiet, the garden feels empty, and I miss my boy following me everywhere as I do my chores. He used to sit pressed against my legs while I worked on my laptop, or he would watch me from the sofa. He would sit in his basket in the kitchen while I washed dishes and sorted laundry, and he was always there to catch bits of food that dropped when I prepared meals. Our doggy dustbin is no more.

We will always remember him, and when the time is right, we will open our hearts to another homeless dog who needs a family. Baxter will guide us. Farewell my gorgeous boy. Go and play with your animal friends over the rainbow bridge. We will always love you.

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LGBT werewolf fantasy story “It’s Complicated (The Redcliffe Novels)” by Catherine Green

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About SpookyMrsGreen

SpookyMrsGreen: Mindful parenting and modern pagan lifestyle. See my blog for exclusive special offers, discount codes, health advice, eco-friendly tips, book reviews and more! Search #TheRedcliffeNovels and meet the vampires and werewolves of Cornwall, England.
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14 Responses to Not the Holiday we Expected


  2. SC Skillman says:

    So sad that you had to say goodbye to Baxter, but glad that he was with you to the end, and that he enjoyed his last holiday experiences with you all, and knew how much you loved him. We had a similar situation with our cat; she went to the vet who would have euthanised her, but instead they gave her a giant dose of steroids to see if she would pull through, and she came home with us again. She died a few days later in her basket in front of the fire. I was so glad she was with us at home to the end. It would have been far sadder to say goodbye at the vets, and I have done that before with pet animals and it’s heart-breaking. Hoping that you will soon find another canine friend to love, and Baxter will always be with you in spirit.

    • Yes, much less traumatic this way. My previous dog was euthanised and I got called out of work to be with him, so I am far happier that Baxter died in his bed with his family close by.

  3. bone&silver says:

    Sorry for your loss, but how perfect he had some last fun with you, & now he’s free of pain? May we all be so lucky hey ❤️

  4. David Gladwin says:

    So sad.

  5. I’m so sorry for your loss. You clearly gave him a wonderful life, which he might not have had if you hadn’t found each other. I believe that the right dog always comes at the right time.

  6. Thank you. Yes, we found Baxter shortly after I lost my previous dog, and I am certain that Baxter will lead us to our next furry friend when the time is right.

  7. A beautiful piece. Thank you for sharing. My heart goes out to you and your family.

  8. bikerchick57 says:

    So sorry you lost your furry baby. It’s tough for you and family to face the loss, but what special memories you have of his life with you…something that will stay in your heart forever.

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