#BookReview: “Acceptance: The Beginning” and “Acceptance: The Reality” by Rebecca Heidt

I received copies of “Acceptance: The Beginning” and “Acceptance: The Reality” by Rebecca Heidt from the publisher.

Read my review to see if I recommend the books and where you can buy them.

My Review of  “Acceptance: The Beginning” and “Acceptance: The Reality” by Rebecca Heidt

I received these books from the publisher in return for an honest review. I decided to review the books together on my blog since they form a collection that will eventually include a third book. While I struggled to read the books at first, I did enjoy the story, although it didn’t capture my imagination completely. I enjoyed reading “Acceptance: The Reality” more than I enjoyed “Acceptance: The Beginning.”

The story follows a mystical adventure set in modern-day Stockholm, and our protagonist, Selena, lives a solitary life with one close friend, her beloved Uncle (who hides secrets that we learn as the story unfolds), and a steady job in a bar. She enjoys casual dating of both men and women, making this a nice LGBT story that introduces an alternative lifestyle as a natural progression for the individual.

The focus of the Acceptance trilogy is about emotions and how they control our lives. Selena struggles with extreme emotional responses to events in her life and we later learn the reason why she is different. We also learn with Selena that emotion is normal and that we can learn to live with our mood swings rather than be controlled by them, and sometimes we just need to open ourselves up to new people and new experiences.

I recommend that you read these books with an open mind and recognise that they are written differently to mainstream fiction but that doesn’t mean that they are worse for it. The literary world needs to open up and welcome diverse writers, and the Acceptance Trilogy is a good example of contemporary fantasy fiction for the twenty-first century.

About the Books

“Acceptance: The Beginning” by Rebecca Heidt

Selena Wilson seems completely normal on all accounts except for her family’s secrets, glowing eyes, unusual strength, and other random occurrences. Now, as others’ paths start to intertwine with hers, the uncertainty within her begins to bare its fangs. Especially when a mysterious girl named Skylar walks into to her life, and her world is turned upside down. Inner peace is her goal, but will she be able to find it as she is forced to accept the unthinkable while discovering who she really is?

“Acceptance: The Reality” by Rebecca Heidt

With Selena’s journey continuing into new unknown areas, hard truths and emotions are surfacing. She has to learn how to navigate them while staying focused on what needs to be done becomes harder and harder each day.

Between seeing Skylar almost daily and lines drawn on the ground, things are about to take some unexpected turns.

Out manoeuvring Ryder and his pawns may be more complex than it looks. Trust, loyalty, and alliances will be tested. But is that all this rebellion is about? Or is there something more?

In the second book of the LGBT fiction Acceptance trilogy, Acceptance: The Reality, Selena realizes she must accept her new way of life- but does she feel ready to give in to it?

Buy the books: Amazon; Waterstones.

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About SpookyMrsGreen

SpookyMrsGreen: Mindful parenting and modern pagan lifestyle. See my blog for exclusive special offers, discount codes, health advice, eco-friendly tips, book reviews and more! Search #TheRedcliffeNovels and meet the vampires and werewolves of Cornwall, England.
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