Summer Solstice Tarot Reading with Tarot of Eternal Being Tarot Card Deck

Solstice Blessings, my pagan friends! Today I share a Summer Solstice Tarot reading with a review of a brand-new Tarot card deck by Ann Stoker.

Summer is upon us, and we are still experiencing a heatwave here in the UK, albeit with some rain thrown in for good measure. I decided to do a horoscope spread for the Tarot card reading, which gives guidance and insight for the year ahead.

Read on to see my review of Tarot of Eternal Being Tarot Card Deck and the Summer Solstice Tarot reading.

Image of Tarot of Eternal Being Tarot cards by Ann Stoker. Summer Solstice Tarot Reading by Catherine Green for pagan lifestyle blog.
Summer Solstice Tarot Reading

Summer Solstice Tarot Reading

I laid the cards out in a horoscope spread. This uses twelve cards to represent each calendar month, and for this reading I read the cards in an anti-clockwise direction which I was guided to do intuitively.

1. Your relationship with Yourself: 9 of Cups – Right now you are in a good place emotionally. This card makes for a good Tarot reading because it confirms that you start the second half of this calendar year in a good place. You know your strengths and you are able to use them to your advantage. Now you may ask “Where do I go from here? What is the next challenge that I can rise to now that I am equipped to handle it?”

2. What you value in relationships: 10 of Pentacles – For you it must be all or nothing. You give everything in your relationships, and you expect the same in return. Are you prepared to settle for anything less in the current situation? Or are you prepared to walk away if the other person/people don’t give the same attention to detail? I feel this relates to a professional matter rather than personal, so it could be to with your business or your job.

3. Neighbours, close relatives: 9 of Pentacles: While you enjoy being in a good place emotionally and spiritually, you might now yearn for material gain. Why shouldn’t you enjoy the wealth of the physical world in the same way that your neighbours and relatives do? Perhaps they can offer support and are waiting for you to ask for help. Or maybe you have valuable knowledge and skills to offer in return. You do hold power in this scenario.

4. Family members: 8 of Pentacles – Right now you are focused on work and the pursuit of training for enhanced skills and knowledge. While some family members might not understand why you do this, those closest to you are prepared to step back and leave you to work and study in peace. Take this precious time for yourself and enjoy it.

5. Children, love affairs, favourite people: 7 of Pentacles – As I study the card, I hear the Elvis Presley song “Caught in a Trap.” It feels playful and light-hearted. Ok, so we know that having children costs money, especially in a world experiencing a cost-of-living crisis. But we acknowledge that these children bring us joy and unconditional love. The same can be said for a loving relationship. Be with the one who loves you regardless of your physical wealth.

6. Colleagues, Customers, Employees: 6 of Pentacles – At this stage you are abundant in everything you need to succeed in material goals. Your co-workers are supportive, and you all share the same ambition. There might be a little friendly competition, but you will all share the rewards for your combined efforts at work.

7. One-to-One relationships, Open enemies: 5 of Pentacles – Something is changing, and you face the challenge of how to respond. Maybe you experience a familiar pattern of behaviour, but this time you can prevent it from spiralling into destruction. You know better, and you can be the better person in this scenario.

8. Intimate partners, financial partners: 4 of Pentacles – Look at this phase as part of the seasonal cycle. The word is always moving, always changing, even if we don’t consciously recognise it. While our intimate partners may be stable, our financial partners fluctuate depending on our needs. Go with the flow and everything will run smoothly.

9. Teachers, mentors: 3 of Pentacles – You have finally found the mentors that you yearned for. After what might be years of searching, enjoy the time you spend with your teachers. It might not be about serious work. Look at the life skills you can learn and the behaviour you can emulate that will help you grow. Or perhaps it is you who can teach others how to behave.

10. Older friends, relatives, authority figures: 2 of Pentacles – We are raised with the belief that we learn from our elders and that they hold the wisdom that we seek. While that can be true, sometimes the elders can learn something from younger people, especially in a world that is evolving rapidly. Stand firm and teach others your wisdom, whatever your age.

11. Friends, groups: Ace of Pentacles – As you teach your elders about the wisdom of the new world, so your friends can do the same. When you work together you can bring together the elements of all your strengths and create something even better. You are supported.

12. Secret relationships, hidden enemies: 10 of Cups – After such a positive, productive and educational year, your emotions overflow with good feeling. There will be people who harbour ill feelings towards you, but it is all rooted in jealousy and by this point you genuinely don’t care. You can rise above their petty jealousies, and you will move on to bigger and better experiences.


Phew, it looks like we have a good year ahead! I think we deserve it after the chaos of the last few years, what with the pandemic, the political and economic upheaval, and all the personal challenges that we each experience. I know I am ready for some good fortune. Tell me if this Tarot reading made sense to you, feel free to comment below.

Image of Tarot of Eternal Being Tarot cards by Ann Stoker. Summer Solstice Tarot Reading by Catherine Green for pagan lifestyle blog.
Summer Solstice Tarot Reading

Tarot of Eternal Being Tarot Card Deck Review

I received the Tarot of Eternal Being Tarot card deck by Ann Stoker along with a book called “Tarot and the Cube of Space: Key to the Cosmos” by Oderic. The book review will follow separately so look out for that, but I decided to include the Tarot card review here since it is easier to review Tarot cards once I have used them in a reading.

These cards are vibrant and full of energy! They come with a small guidebook but for more insights you need the “Tarot and the Cube of Space” book as it details each individual card with readings related to the subject matter, namely the Kabalah and Tree of Life in the Hebrew tradition. I found the cards easy to work with and would recommend them for people who are new to Tarot cards. As a more experienced reader myself, I connected intuitively with the cards and set aside 3 cards to work with personally as they fell out of the deck while I was shuffling it and I knew that they held a message for me. I like the rich colours on these Tarot cards and the symbolism that they contain.

About Tarot of Eternal Being and The Cube of Space

10 years in the making, an entirely new Tarot deck and interpretation, considered by reference to the Cube of Space, as revealed in the Book of Formation, Sepher Yetzirah (committed to writing c. 3rd/4th century CE). In the several thousands of years that the esoteric principles of the Tarot Keys have been in formation, it is only in the last 100 years that the fully-fledged revelation of the Cube of Space has been made manifest.

At last, the Tarot of Eternal Being and the Cube of Space offer access into the truly magical consciousness. While the glyph of the Tree of Life sets down the innumerable correspondences of Hermetic Qabalah, it is the Cube of Space that gives them order, definition, context, and cohesion.

Tarot of Eternal Being deck £50. Tarot and the Cube of Space book £50. Discount of 20% when purchased together £80. Visit Ann Stoker website for more information and where to purchase Tarot of the Eternal Being Tarot card deck.

Contact: soletude1[at] ~ Follow Cosmogenesis on Facebook.

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About SpookyMrsGreen

SpookyMrsGreen: Mindful parenting and modern pagan lifestyle. See my blog for exclusive special offers, discount codes, health advice, eco-friendly tips, book reviews and more! Search #TheRedcliffeNovels and meet the vampires and werewolves of Cornwall, England.
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2 Responses to Summer Solstice Tarot Reading with Tarot of Eternal Being Tarot Card Deck

  1. Pingback: #BookReview: The Witch’s Book of Love Spells by Cerridwen Greenleaf | SpookyMrsGreen

  2. Pingback: #BookReview “Tarot and the Cube of Space: Key to the Cosmos” by Oderic | SpookyMrsGreen

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