It’s Been a Funny Sort of Month

It has been a funny sort of month. I have once again been very busy, but I can’t remember exactly what I have been doing.

It mainly revolves around breastfeeding, changing nappies, washing, cooking and cleaning, and entertaining a “threenager” and a baby. I can’t really call my elder daughter a toddler any more. For one thing, she is too tall and very articulate! She seems to have acquired her dad’s lanky physique, rather than my petite frame. She is a little whirlwind of chaos, and she has a fantastic imagination.

#MummyMonday SpookyMrsGreen's children copyright Catherine Green of mindful parenting and modern pagan lifestyle blog.
#MummyMonday SpookyMrsGreen’s children

Busy Being Mother

My baby is also growing up fast. It is her 1st birthday tomorrow, 1st August. This time last year I was huge, hot and very grumpy, and desperate to birth my baby. Now, I keep telling her to stop growing because I want to enjoy her at this age forever… Of course I don’t mean it. I love my children unconditionally, but I admit that I will appreciate a little ‘me’ time when they are old enough to fend for themselves a little more. For now I am enjoying the experience of watching them grow and develop, and it is a novelty to see my baby crawling (her sister was a bum-shuffler).

I say it has been a funny sort of month mainly because I didn’t quite complete my plans. I signed up for a writing challenge called Camp NaNoWriMo, and set myself a word target of 25,000. So far I have almost 10,000 words in my teenage zombie romance novel. I am struggling with it, most probably because it is a new concept. I have never written about zombies before. In fact, I haven’t even read very many zombie stories, so perhaps I need a little more research…

I didn’t win, but it’s fine

Anyway, I end July feeling quite peaceful, because although I didn’t ‘win’ Camp NaNoWriMo, at least it got me writing again. The stories are beginning to roll around my mind, and I am slowly getting my work back on track. There are a few other personal challenges to contend with, and I am still trying to work out when and where I can take the children on holiday. It is all coming together slowly, so for now I will relax and enjoy a weekend of birthday celebration. See you later, everyone!

Red background with book cover images for #RedcliffeNovels LGBT fantasy book series by LGBT fantasy book writer Catherine Green.
#RedcliffeNovels LGBT Fantasy Book Series for Adults

Download your FREE copy of LGBT fantasy short story It’s Complicated (The Redcliffe Novels) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

About SpookyMrsGreen

SpookyMrsGreen: Mindful parenting and modern pagan lifestyle. See my blog for exclusive special offers, discount codes, health advice, eco-friendly tips, book reviews and more! Search #TheRedcliffeNovels and meet the vampires and werewolves of Cornwall, England.
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8 Responses to It’s Been a Funny Sort of Month

  1. Your doing a brilliant job raising two amazing girls don’t beat yourself up for not getting to 25,000 words you’re at least giving it a go and shouldn’t force the idea. Hope Georgia has a fantastic birthday tomorrow! xx

  2. It’s good your writing again and the ideas! Keep pushing through even if it’s only five minutes a day, you can do it! If you don’t think you know too much about zombies don’t worry, it’s an amazing chance to get really creative with them!

  3. Don’t worry about not reaching the target in the specified time. NaNoWriMo is really good for getting you writing – I did it 2 years ago and got nowhere near the target, but 3 months later I had a complete first draft. I’ve been working on it ever since and now it’s nearly ready for publication. These things can’t always be rushed.

  4. I agree with everyone else’s comments about NaNoWriMo. It’s great to get the ball rolling, but if you have other things on your plate (and don’t live alone), it’s a pretty tough deadline and word count. I did it last year and was going strong for a few weeks, but life tends to intervene. I’m happy it got me writing something other than the series I’ve been working on and it taught me I was more than a one-trick pony, but honestly it was just a push. Have a great birthday party for your daughter!

  5. Lorraine Marie Reguly says:

    Catherine, I could not imagine raising children AND trying to write AND blogging all the time AND – oh, gosh – doing all that you do!

    I sure hope you have a few adults to speak to on a daily basis! 😉 When I was raising my son (as a single mom), I looked forward to carrying on an adult conversation. It’s tough to do that with a baby and a three-year-old, isn’t it?

    Congratulations on being super-mom! Ahem. Super-Mom! 🙂

    • Aww, thanks Lorraine, my head just swelled a little bit! Yes times are busy at the moment, and I am cherishing my children while they are young enough to still want mummy-cuddles etc. But, the writer in me is getting increasingly restless. I think it is time I implemented one of those writing plans you suggested in your comment on my other blog. And this time I must see it through!

  6. Cheers! Yes, I have been doing affirmations and meditation for several years now and they work wonders for my mental state.

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